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B2C Martech Trends and Recommendations for 2021 & 2022 (Part 1)
B2C Martech Trends and Recommendations for 2021 & 2022 The impact of the global pandemic on the martech landscape has been significant. Marketing leaders are feeling the pressure to deliver key
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Gathering first-party data from your app users
Gathering first-party data from your app users Having a stock of rich, first-party data is the key to delivering relevant and rewarding experiences for your mobile app users. Collecting and
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The acquisition apocalypse; thoughts on the future of targeted engagement
It’s the end of the (digital targeting) world as we know it We’re not scaremongering, this is really happening. The established model of digital acquisition, built around targeted advertising fueled
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Building a Customer Experience-Lead Bank
On May 13th, we hosted an outstanding panel discussion featuring some of Europe and Asia’s most innovative banking professionals. The topic was Fintech’s CX Battleground: Building a customer
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Why banks are in danger of becoming irrelevant. (And what they can do about it.)
Traditional banks are at a crossroads. The digital disruption that we’ve seen sweep across other verticals, from ride-hailing in transport to streaming in media, has finally come for the banking
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Digital Reinvention: Fintech & The Future of Banking
The traditional business model of banking is being turned on its head with the advent of mobile-first technologies, the growing impact of blockchain and the challenge of connecting with a new
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