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Phil Spurgeon

Experts in the Room Podcast – Episode 6
The Experts in the Room podcast explores the evolving worlds of customer experience, retention and data with some of the leading minds in some of the fastest-growing and most competitive industries
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Experts in the Room Podcast – Episode 5
The Experts in the Room podcast explores the evolving worlds of customer experience, retention and data with some of the leading minds in some of the fastest-growing and most competitive industries
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Experts in the Room Podcast – Episode 4
The Experts in the Room podcast explores the evolving worlds of customer experience, retention and data with some of the leading minds in some of the fastest-growing and most competitive industries
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Leveraging Data to Drive Customer Engagement
Customer engagement is one of the most talked about topics in every marketing department in every industry. An engaged customer base is usually both a happy and loyal customer base. Of course,
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How Loyalty unlocks Zero Party Data
The ability to capture zero party data on a regular basis is something that a lot of businesses struggle to implement. The risk of burning goodwill with customers by asking for personal information
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How new Technologies can help in Customer Retention
Nothing boosts profits more than customer retention. Increasing retention rates by 5% can make a business at least 25% more profitable. Entirely because you don’t have to work as hard to get them to
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