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Maximising Impact with Mobile Messaging Campaigns


Want to reach audiences directly and personally? Running mobile messaging campaigns is one of the ways, then. This blog post will explore how to maximize their success through digital marketing strategy and its execution.

Also, a step-by-step guide and key metrics included. 

Let’s start with the basics.

Mobile messaging in marketing: is it really that popular?

A mobile phone is something probably most of us cannot imagine living with. We use online banking services with it, do the shopping, entertain, and contact our family. These are only a few examples of the things that matter to us. It’s very probable that most of the people in your surroundings use a mobile phone. 

Also, it is speculated that by 2025, there will be more than 7.5 billion mobile users, so around 94% of the whole population. 

And it is one of the devices that marketers can use to connect with their target audience.

But do people really like mobile messaging campaigns?

According to the survey, 47% of millennials enjoyed receiving text messages from brands. And speaking about Generation Z, 44% of them felt the same way. 

What are mobile messaging campaigns?

Mobile messaging campaigns are messages that use direct interaction to deliver messages, promotions, and information. Providers of, for example, SMS campaigns involve sending short text messages straight to users’ mobile phones. And when run well, they might bring great results.

53.5% of marketers reported using text marketing because it brought higher open and click-through rates compared to other marketing channels.

Types of text marketing campaigns on mobiles

There are many mobile messaging campaigns types: 

01 Text promotions

Are some great deals coming? Write a short informational message to your recipients. Use text promotions to let them know about an irresistible 2+2 promotion and mid-summer sales.  

02 Coupons

Try out exclusive coupons only for the SMS community. Create special discounts tailored just for our SMS members. Encourage them to show the coupon or generate a gift certificate to use on your e-commerce website. 

03 Text-to-win competitions

Create a contest by sending a specific keyword or code via text message to a designated phone number. It’s a great way to make your marketing efforts more engaging and interactive.

04 Loyalty programs

Reward your loyal customers with the special treatment they deserve. Encourage them to join the loyalty program and communicate with them through the app, offering some perks. Psst! It’s your chance to get to know the audience more. 

05 SMS sales alerts 

Last-minute offer? Send your audience an alert message, so your customer may be the first to take advantage of great deals. No more FOMO. They’ll always be on top of the latest promotions.

06 In-app messages

Give personalized recommendations, introduce new features, and inform about limited-time deals by sending messages in your app. It is a way of creating a tailored experience on the spot.

07 Push notifications

To make your brand stay top-of-mind, push notifications might be the choice. They pop up on the screen, even if the user is not using the app at a certain time. You can get the users engaged with their favorite apps without actively checking them.

Mobile messaging campaigns: benefits for modern businesses

SMS marketing campaigns are highly beneficial. Many modern businesses decide to launch one because they can take advantage of:

#1 Targeting audience analysis

Marketing campaigns let marketers analyze the target audiences to get their preferences, behaviors, and vibes. 

And when you have all that information in the system, segmentation is a must. With the information organized into segments, you can easily tweak your content calendar so it resonates with specific segments. 

#2 Creating engaging content

Mobile messaging campaigns require short and to-the-point messages. Very often, it is way harder to include all the information in this short notification. But we’ve got some tips to make starting content marketing on this channel a bit easier. 

  • Create an attention-grabbing opening that sums up the message.

Example: Get the fantasy book coupon till midnight 

  • Include a clear call to action. Make sure the users know what to do next.

Example: Click the link to join the loyalty program.

  • Show the value. Write concisely about the benefits users will get after completing a certain action. 

Example: Turn on the notification to get special offers and save money.

💡 You can use social media or social messengers for campaigns like these as well.

#3 Choosing the right channels

Check what channels have the highest open rates, and use them to your and your customers’ advantage. And remember, it’s not about flooding with the information but about delivering value.

#4 Implementing best practices

A dual approach is needed here: adhering to best practices and complying with legal norms. Create SMS messages transparently and offer benefits to the recipients, but be updated on regulations at the same time.

OK, but where do we start?

Use a reliable tool for mobile messaging.

Integrate mobile messaging with Xtremepush

Xtremepush offers diverse engagement channels like push notifications, in-app messages, and SMS. With this tool, guiding customers before taking action is a breeze. Do it with personalized campaigns driven by real-time triggers. 

You can also transform your email marketing campaigns within an omnichannel approach – use drag-and-drop navigation and create content that your audience is waiting for.

Measuring the success of mobile messaging campaigns

It’s useful to know metrics that show whether your messaging campaigns are successful or not. 

The set of metrics to follow depends on the type of your business and what you would like to focus on more. 

However, we’ve gathered a list of the most common ones.

📊 Conversion rate 

It shows the percentage of recipients who took the desired action, such as making a purchase, signing up, or clicking a link.

📊 Click-through rate (CTR)

You can calculate the ratio of clicks to the number of messages delivered to assess how engaging your content is.

📊 Engagement metrics 

Keep track of user engagement, including time spent interacting with the message, number of interactions, and responses to interactive elements.

📊 ROI (Return on investment) 

One of the most important ones. It presents the revenue generated from the campaign compared to the cost of implementing it.

📊 Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

Using CLV, you can figure out the long-term value of customers acquired through the campaign to understand its impact on overall business profitability.

📊 Abandonment rate

Monitor how many users abandoned a process (such as adding to a cart) after clicking the message, highlighting potential issues.

📊 Conversion funnel analysis 

You can analyze the stages users go through. From receiving the message to completing the desired action, identifying drop-offs, and optimizing the journey.

📊 Segment performance

With this metric, you compare the performance of different audience segments to personalize future campaigns for better results.

📊 A/B testing results

 Evaluate the outcomes of A/B tests to understand which message elements (subject lines, content, CTAs) work best.

Common challenges and how to overcome them

Running SMS marketing campaigns (and not only) might be a bumpy road sometimes. It’s better to be prepared for any unexpected circumstances, isn’t it? Here are a few of the challenges you may face.

Deliverability issues

Sometimes, even when you create amazing text messages, they might fail to be delivered. Glitches happen from time to time. 

Do your best to minimize this risk. Opt for a reliable messaging platform like Xtremepush. 

With this platform, you can send in-app messages in a blink of an eye and be sure that they hit recipients’ hands. 

Also, Xtremepush’s uptime is about 99.9%, so you can be sure that all the messages will be sent. Choosing a partnering platform that experiences regular descriptions just doesn’t make any sense. 

Content relevance

Relevance is something that makes people click the “Get the coupon” link. But your special offers need to be sent to the right people if you want to remain relevant. 

Tackling relevance involves segmenting. Identify specific user clusters and customize content accordingly. Tailor messages so they are relevant to your audience, and connect on a personal level. 

On top of it, employ data insights. Let user interactions steer themes for planning out content.

Privacy and security concerns

Privacy and data security form a cornerstone of any data-related activity. Before committing to any SMS marketing campaign platform, check how it protects the data. Do research on data encryption, security certifications, and GDPR compliance. 

Case Studies: success stories with Xtremepush

Not convinced yet? Take a look at companies that succeed with Xtremepush. 


ClickLogiq, established in 2014, is a global frontrunner in online performance marketing, providing growth and retention services to the financial trading industry. 

Their partnership with Xtremepush since 2019 exemplifies a strategic move for a business. Xtremepush provided seamless integration within their tech stack, ROI assurance, flexible scaling through adaptable pricing, and a range of channels for evolving campaigns. Xtremepush’s integration with Solitics improved personalized communication. 

On top of that, they use web push notifications. 

Thanks to this solution, ClickLogiq optimized real-time communication and achieved excellent results – a 529% boost in trading activity compared to SMS campaigns.

BlueBat Games

BlueBat Games, a leader in the social casino sector, partners with Xtremepush to enhance an engagement strategy. 

Xtremepush provides them with reliability, user-friendliness, and API flexibility. The tool helps BlueBat implement web push and mobile app push notifications alongside email migration. Xtremepush lets them integrate with diverse brands, which is a necessity for BlueBat as it has many casino partnerships.

BlueBat strategically re-engages players and grows through web push notifications. The platform’s A/B testing capabilities allow for better content optimization. All to achieve better engagement.


NetBet is a global brand offering online casino and sportsbook services in multiple languages. It was founded in 2001.

Xtremepush and NetBet’s partnership started in 2016. Thanks to the joint effort, NetBet enriched its digital marketing strategy with web push, SMS, app push, and on-site inbox capabilities. 

Multichannel campaigns have increased player acquisition and retention and showed the platform’s effectiveness. SMS messaging is one of NetBet’s top priorities for player safety and fraud prevention. 

But not only! 

Xtremepush SMS and web push notification campaigns helped to increase player activation for Casino Cashback by 280%!

Future trends in mobile messaging

Text message marketing evolves at a fast pace. However, it is possible to assess the incoming trends based on the users’ preferences and online habits. 

Check out the list of emerging trends and innovations in mobile messaging:

  • AI support
  • enhanced privacy and data protection
  • predictive analytics 
  • sustainability and green messaging
  • location-based messaging 

All of them will make companies focus more on personalization and safety. But you can do it today using Xtremepush. It’s super easy.

Start an SMS campaign with Xtremepush step by step

Are you looking for a platform that offers short message service and helps with text marketing campaigns? Use Xtremepush. 👇🏻

#1 STEP: Log in

If you don’t have an account yet, reach out to Xtremepush to schedule a demo.

#2 STEP: Contact Xtremepush 

Then, you’ll be able to configure gateway integration for optimal pricing and deliverability.

#3 STEP: Use Campaign Builder
After configuring, access SMS campaigns in the builder menu. You can use SMS as a standalone or part of a multichannel strategy. It is often used as a backup for users not subscribed to push notifications.

#4 STEP: Test, test, test

Always check your SMS campaign before launching. Ensure the user profile has a mobile number and an active SMS subscription. 

#5 STEP: Verify recipient count

Use the Calculate Recipients feature to count recipients. You can confirm the marketing messages reach people you intend to contact.

Follow these steps and set up and run effective SMS campaigns to engage and communicate with your audience.

Need more info? Read the SMS quick start guide from Xtremepush.

Key takeaways

  • Xtremepush is one of the choices when it comes to sms marketing software. But it also provides email marketing capabilities along with social engagement and customer service using AI and chatbots.
  • Text message marketing may include text promotions, push notifications, or in-app messages.
  • Modern businesses should care about sms marketing campaigns because it provides a lot of relevant information.
  • To run successful text messaging campaigns, keep track of the metrics, such as engagement metrics and conversion funnel analysis. 
  • Try to launch an SMS marketing campaign based on common business goals, such as increased conversion rate, boosted customer satisfaction, and financial stability.

Mobile messaging campaigns concluded

Want to run an effective mobile marketing campaign? Get yourself reliable software, then. Xtremepush is a great choice – it gets you a mine of valuable insights into your sms subscribers (and not only), thanks to segmentation.

And if you’re in a quandary about what version of the campaign works better, don’t blind-guess it. Use A/B testing to get accurate results, choose the one that converts, and drive sales!

Contact Xtremepush to schedule a demo.


What is mobile sms marketing?

Mobile messaging marketing means using texts to connect with customers on their phones. It’s a direct way to send promotions, updates, or info. You send messages straight to their mobile devices. SMS campaigns let you reach people wherever they are.

How to do SMS marketing campaigns?

Crafting an SMS campaign involves writing messages that catch attention. Start with an eye-catching intro, add the main info, and end with a clear call to action. Keep it short, around 160 characters. Also, timing is key – send messages when your audience is most likely to be free. If possible, use the recipient’s name.

What is a MMS campaign?

An MMS campaign is like an upgraded version of SMS. Instead of just text, it lets you send multimedia messages, like images, videos, or audio. MMS campaigns bring your messages to life, making them stand out in a crowded inbox. Just like SMS, you can use MMS to share promos, updates, or info, but with that extra visuals.

What is the best software for sending mobile messaging campaigns?

Xtremepush is a feature-rich platform that offers a seamless blend of SMS and push notifications. All to help you provide targeted engagement. The platform uses data insights and segmentation, which means you can create personalized messages based on data.

Can I send SMS messages with Xtremepush? 

Of course. Sending SMS messages is one of Xtremepush’s capabilities. The platform integrates mobile messaging campaigns, incorporating SMS and push notifications. On top of it, the intuitive interface, enriched by analytics, helps brands succeed.


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