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6bn in Lost Mobile Revenue: Why Mobile Analytics and Engagement are essential if you want to win big


According to a recent study by Jumio, more than half of UK smartphone owners (55%) have abandoned a mobile transaction because of usability issues, slow load times, poor check out experience and payment process complications. And it is costing retailers as much as £6 billion in lost revenues.


This is why it’s imperative to have an mobile cloud analytics & engagement provider in your mobile app. It’s no longer a nice to have, it’s a must-have.


Brands are spending millions on their mobile apps and the requisite marketing to get them into their potential customers’ hands. This represents only the initial part of the customer’s journey and the brand’s overall mobile strategy.


If you are not actively measuring the specific Mobile Business Metrics, such as Lifetime Value, ARPU (average revenue per user), ARPPU (average revenue per paying user) Attribution(Cost and Source per Install/event) & Goal Conversation rates, it’s like throwing an 8 sided dice and I think we all know what that outcome means!


At XtremePush our marketing cloud platform and new funnel analysis feature will help you to dramatically move the needle in delivering your mobile business goals and you will see results immediately. We offer an end-to-end marketing automation platform solution which will allow you to onboard, understand and then engage your mobile users in the right way through personalised, measurable mobile app marketing.


As one of our new large enterprise customers said to me recently – “we have never had visibility of data like this before.”


If you want to supercharge your mobile business strategy, please reach out to @XtremePush or myself directly @tommykearns and we will give you a free consultation and add value to your business.

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