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Case study


How kwiff are increasing customer loyalty and retention with Xtremepush


Who are kwiff?

kwiff is a sports and casino betting app that challenges the industry with its innovative approach.

As the company grew rapidly, the CRM team knew they needed a partner who would enable them to roll out their communication strategy. They wanted to work with a provider who would be more in line with their future plans, and who would develop together with them.

That’s when they met Xtremepush and took customer engagement to the next level.

In this story, Joanna Beaton, Head of CRM at kwiff, shares how Xtremepush helped them align their communications platform with their business needs. As a result, they could execute on their new strategy that led to increasing customer retention and doubling their user numbers.

The Need:

More Flexibility And Control Over Their Own Data. kwiff’s challenge was two-fold. 

Flexibility & Control

First, the CRM team wanted more flexibility and control over their data.

“During this rapid growth phase, we needed a provider who’d have the flexibility to change things as our product developed.”


Second, the team wanted to integrate their proprietary internal bonus payout tool with an external communication platform. Their efforts to do this previously had proved difficult. 

“Technical issues and roadblocks impeded any progress on such an integration,” Jo adds.

This all changed when Xtremepush entered the scene.


After assessing several providers, Xtremepush emerged as the optimal platform for kwiff. “Xtremepush offered us full control over our data with all the flexibility we needed. The bonus tool integration was also possible, as Xtremepush provides a custom solution for each client.”
The decision to choose Xtremepush was also fueled by kwiff’s desire for a real partnership. “We sought a partner that would adapt and grow with us in this fast-changing industry landscape. We saw Xtremepush can meet our present needs while anticipating future ones,” Jo adds.

The solution: Less manual work, more customised insights

"The onboarding with Xtremepush was smooth. Their team was always by our side,” says Jo. Soon after, Xtremepush became an integral part of the CRM team’s daily workflow. The top three features they use are automation, segmentation, and reporting.


Automation Segmentation

Xtremepush allowed the team to automate messages for their users—something that had proved a challenge for some time. “Manual tasks used to take up 100% of our daily work. With Xtremepush, we’re going to halve this. That’s a massive time saving, and it’s going to allow us to do so much more for our customers.”

Thanks to the bonus tool integration, the team can automate whole user lifecycles. “We can create journeys where players match up with their rewards automatically. It’s more efficient than doing it manually. This is absolutely key, as we were missing out on prime engagement times.”

Besides taking away manual work, it’s also adding to the user experience. “These automations will allow for better reporting, better campaigns, and better player experiences. That‌ will help us increase conversion and drive up revenue,” says Jo.


Segmentation helps Jo’s team analyse their audience based on behaviour and engagement. “Now that we have more control over our data, we can add, remove, or change user attributes on our own. This helps us get deeper, more granular segmentation. As a data-driven company, that’s something we strive to achieve in every part of our business.”

Being a part of a fast-growing business with constantly changing needs, the CRM team often needed to change player attributes. Doing so would help them service their base more effectively. They had been looking to change these attributes for some time in the past, but it had not proved to be an easy task.

However, this need was fully served when kwiff partnered with Xtremepush. Jo’s team has already added hundreds of extra segments since their first import: “We absolutely needed this. It’s amazing that we can change the data so easily.”


Having robust reporting is a big priority for kwiff’s CRM team. Standard out-of-the-box reporting would not suffice for their needs, and many providers had high costs for custom services.

“The differentiator with Xtremepush is that they take the time to customise the reports to their client’s needs. Their support is fantastic. Early on, they asked which metrics we wanted to track and tailored our reports to what we needed. Having such insight is incredibly valuable. But it’s not just what the reports contain; it’s more about having the ability to customise them. Plus, the reports we have today are better and more accurate.”

With Xtremepush, kwiff’s CRM team can A/B test their marketing campaigns and compare test and control groups. This has already given them significant insight into what works and what doesn’t. 

“The reports are easy to understand. Seeing our test and control groups next to each other makes it clear whether a campaign is performing. That’s the type of insight we were missing.” All this helps kwiff understand their audience better. They can make more data-driven decisions that improve user satisfaction. “We’re moving from guesswork to knowing what works,” says Jo.


The Benefits of Working with Xtremepush


Intuitive and easy-to-use tool

“Xtremepush is very user-friendly and intuitive. Because of its ease of use, the platform allows our team to create and segment campaigns and find the right insights to make better decisions.”

Robust and easy to digest reports

“A big strength of Xtremepush is that you can customise the reports exactly to what you need. The reports are robust and so easy to understand. They are invaluable to us.”


Time saved thanks to automations

“Automation is a game-changer. It empowers us to target our players continually, replacing our single-campaign-send approach, which was done manually. We can automate whole user lifecycles.”

Looking at the bigger picture, the benefit of partnering with Xtremepush is two-fold:


Having full confidence in your partner 

“Xtremepush proved they are the right partner for us by addressing our challenges and adapting to our needs. Their support is unrivalled. Without them, my team’s days would be a lot harder.”

Having a partner that grows alongside you

“Xtremepush understands our vision. I trust that any feature we’ll need, they’ll have it. They even let us share our inputs in their product roadmap—it feels like we can co-create it together.”


“I’d like to thank the Xtremepush teams for all their support over the last few months. I've worked with many providers and the journey with Xtremepush has been among the smoothest, with the outcome being one of the best. We’re very grateful and excited about what else our partnership will bring.”


Joanna Beaton

Head of CRM for kwiff

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